These are DOOG safety dog sticks. As dog owners we all know the dangers of allowing our dogs to chase real stick as they can shatter and cause our best friend injuries. Many vets, dog trainers, behaviourists, Tellington TTouch practitioners recommend safe sticks as an alternative to normal sticks. We want our dogs to have fun so a DOOG stick is a great safe toy to take to the park, the beach or just into the garden. Doog sticks also come with a carry handle to ease throwing and to avoid having to pick up a slobber covered toy.
Part of the family of Super Sticks that have been designed as a tougher version of the original Stick Family, these guys aren’t afraid of a bit of rough and tumble at the dog park, on the beach, in the garden, even across the fields. Made from durable, natural rubber, they are a much safer option for your pet to fetch than a real stick. The Super Sticks come with glow in the dark eyes and a handy grip for grappling. The rope ensures your Super Stick can be hung at the front door ready for his next adventure. Note: The Supersticks do not float in water. These toys are for fetching only due to the softer recycled rubber they are made from they won’t last if chewed. Captain Fantastick along with his family are designed in Australia and tried and tested on the famous Sydney beaches.
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